Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision
By 2026, we will establish IBR Networking Chapters all over the state of Florida, with other chapters being started in other states using IBR members working with pastors to bring in the harvest, money & souls. Along with new chapters, we will set up business and ministry seminars to make our members the most effective in their calling.

Our Mission
To establish practical operational networking procedures to facilitate prosperity among Christians in the marketplace as follows:
To form strong relationships with each other through local chapter meetings twice per month in order to create trust, followed by referrals to potential customers. Also, through our website, to connect and network with other members, wherever they might be.
Member Visibility
Member Visibility
To make every member's business easily available to anyone who searches on our website. To make every potential customer very comfortable and confident with the member businesses through information, videos, testimonials, etc. To encourage every member's business to always be vigilant in listening for opportunities for other members and to recommend them. To sow into their lives.